history of what happened to the temple and people in 70 ad
Past Tim Miller
Afterwards a summer of starvation and siege had been imposed on the urban center's people during the fall of Jerusalem, the great Second Temple was finally on fire. No one knows who threw the flaming brand, or indeed how the temple had avoided such a fate for so long, but one time the conflagration began there was no stopping it.
The Jewish soldiers, outnumbered and hungry and armed only with weapons they had won from the Romans in battle, immediately refocused the concrete courage and fanaticism that had helped them hold out for so long. The earthly embodiment of their ideals was now being destroyed, and their own freedom from Roman rule and even their ain lives were nothing now that the Temple faced devastation. (Read more about the war-torn history of Jerusalem and the ancient battles that defined world history inside the pages of Military machine Heritage magazine.)
"As the flames shot into the air the Jews sent upward a cry that matched the calamity and dashed to the rescue, with no idea now of saving their lives or husbanding their force; for that which they had guarded so devotedly was disappearing before their eyes," wrote the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus.
When Titus, son of the new emperor Vespasian and the Roman general in charge of the siege, heard the news he raced to the scene and demanded that the burn be put out. The Roman army either pretended not to hear, or simply disobeyed, throwing more wood on the fire. "Everywhere was slaughter and flying," wrote Josephus. "Most of the victims were peaceful citizens, weak and unarmed." As the Roman legionnaires pressed their advantage, the pile of corpses surrounding the alter grew always higher.
At that place was as much use arguing with the Roman troops every bit there was with the burn itself, co-ordinate to Josephus. After some of the most brutal fighting in Roman history, and afterwards a seemingly endless round of Roman victories and Jewish resurgence, the burn down and bloodletting at the Temple was a full and terrible release. "[The soldiers'] respect for Titus and their fright of the centurion'southward staff were powerless against their fury, their detestation of the Jews, and an uncontrollable animalism for battle," he wrote.
The huge white marble Temple complex, which gleamed with such a luster that it might exist compared to a mountain covered in snow, and the city choking with civilians and insurgents and Romans, all swirled and culminated in a butchered, bloody, and smoky finish on September 8, advertizement 70.
Jewish and Roman relations had never been great. Following his siege of the city in 63 bc, the Roman full general Pompey the Nifty had profaned the Temple by entering the Holy of Holies, which no one but the High Priest was allowed to do, and that but once a year, simply to survey its riches. Following more than two centuries of Hellenistic dominion, during which nearly every aspect of Greek life, non to mention paganism, was found offensive to the Jews, the Romans took over. They were equally offensive in the eyes of the Jews.
Pompey the Great had intervened militarily in the affairs of Judea in 63 bc. From that point forward, Judea became a customer kingdom of the Roman Republic. Rome officially annexed Judea as a province in advertizement 6. Opposition to Roman rule was immediate. The sicarii, or pocketknife men, were assassins who conducted hit and run attacks and then hid in the desert from Roman patrols trying to apprehend or kill them.
If the quondam cliché nearly the Romans is true, that they were merely brutes who elevated themselves by appropriating a skilful deal of Greek civilization, their inability to rule in Judea is easily understood. Bureaucracy, arrangement, and a show of forcefulness should have been enough to subdue a minority civilisation non known for its military might, merely information technology was their organized religion that was the source of their seeming stubbornness. Not even Rome's eventual victory would snuff out Judaism.
In Judea there likewise were locals who were willing to work with the Romans every bit far as they could, no affair how incurious, ignorant, or ineffective their foreign overlords proved to be. Simply information technology did not take long for such Jews to lose favor with the larger community. The weakening of whatsoever aspect of Jewish ritual or legal life was viewed with suspicion, and about immediately the Jewish population disintegrated into a scattering of competing allegiances. The Jews harmed themselves by this infighting more than than the Romans ever could.
In what essentially boiled down to class warfare, the words of Josephus are strikingly modern. He noted that those in power oppressed the masses, and that "the masses [were] eager to destroy the powerful." To the oppressed masses, who supported the more pop fundamentalism of the Pharisees, the great enemies were the Temple elites and the largest landowners, the Sadducees. At that place also were the ascetic and apocalyptic Essenes, but they lived away from the city and considered Temple life irredeemably decadent. Added to this, Roman influence in the area was perpetually mediocre and easily undermined because the area was not of much involvement in the wider Roman earth. Of the quarter million men who fabricated upwards the Roman standing army, just 3,000 were stationed in Judea at the kickoff of advertizing 66.
In the final decades earlier Christ and those following Herod the Smashing'south expiry, while in that location was the occasional upheaval in the province, at that place was little that could be deemed anti-Roman, and none of which could be said to presage the destruction of the late 60s. The Roman historian Tacitus only says "all was tranquility" in reference to Judea during the years of the Emperor Tiberius from advertising 14 to 37. But that began to sour in advertizement 40 when Emperor Caligula departed from the policy of religious tolerance exercised by his predecessors. The chain of events over the next 26 years ultimately led to the ascendency of the Zealot political party.
Deeming Judea a province of no military significance, the Romans entrusted its dominion to a governor of procuratorial rank. Many of the governors of Judea during this period were decadent. Added to this, the governors tended to overreact to disorder and suppress it with heavy force.
Caligula'southward Discontent
Caligula stoked the flames of discontent as well. He demanded that a statue of himself exist placed for worship in the Temple at Jerusalem. Publius Petronius, the Roman governor of Syria, traveled to Jerusalem to quell the unrest. He asked the Jews if they were willing to go to war with Caligula over the thing.
"The Jews replied that they offered sacrifice twice daily for [Caligula] and the Roman people, simply that if he wished to set these statues, he must outset sacrifice the unabridged Jewish nation; and that they presented themselves, their wives and their children, ready for the slaughter," wrote Josephus. Caligula was murdered in the acting and the matter was dropped. The response of the Jews was ample proof that they were willing to sacrifice themselves rather than dishonor their God.
Equally it happened, the events that led to the ascension to prominence of the Zealots and their subsequent defection tin be traced to an avoidable miscalculation by the inept procurator Gessius Florus. In May ad 66, a Gentile mob had profaned a synagogue in Caesarea, a town on the Mediterranean coast 78 miles northwest of Jerusalem. A Greek, who was aware of the strict laws held by the Jews in regard to ritual purity and cleanliness, "placed a chamber pot upside downward at the entrance [to the synagogue] and was sacrificing birds on it," wrote Josephus. Similar provocations had taken place in the previous decade; for example, Roman soldiers had exposed their buttocks to Jewish pilgrims. They also had seized and burned sacred Jewish scrolls.
This time the events in Caesarea would screw beyond anything that had come before. Matters pertaining to local authorities and religion in Jerusalem were the purview of the High Priest and his council, the Sanhedrin. When the Jews of the area began to complain, Florus ignored their pleas.
Florus decided it was a proficient fourth dimension to collect overdue taxes. His demands were met with anger in Jerusalem. Some youths went so far as to mock him by roaming the streets with a basket, begging for pennies for the seemingly impoverished governor. Florus demanded that the offending youths be handed over for penalty. The Sanhedrin authorities apologized for the behavior of the youths, but they refused to turn them over, saying it was impossible to identify the guilty parties in such a large crowd.
In a clear example of the fell repression in Judea exercised by the Romans, Florus ordered his soldiers to the southwest market area of the urban center with instructions to slay indiscriminately those they encountered. "There followed a flight through the narrow streets, the slaughter of those who were defenseless, and rapine in all its horror," he wrote. "Many peaceful citizens were seized and taken before Florus, who had them scourged and and then crucified."
Almost immediately, Jewish radicals calling for revolution took control of the Temple. They suspended the daily cede for the well-beingness of the Roman emperor and the people of Rome. Refusal to deport out the daily sacrifice was an overt human activity of rebellion every bit far every bit the Romans were concerned. The radicals also ordered the burning of many of the homes of the rich, including that of puppet male monarch Herod Agrippa Two. The radicals also destroyed the public archives, which brought many of the rural poor over to the revolutionary side. The bourgeois faction, meanwhile, fled to Agrippa's palace, along with the 500 auxiliaries Florus had left in the metropolis before leaving himself.

When the Roman auxiliaries decided to sue for peace, the rebels assured them of their safety. Once they were marched out and relieved of their weapons, the rebels "brutal upon them, surrounded and massacred them; the Romans neither resisting nor suing for mercy, only merely highly-seasoned with loud cries to 'the agreements' and 'the oaths,'" wrote Josephus. To the people of Jerusalem, war with Rome seemed inevitable at that indicate, as did a sense of their own commonage guilt and ritual pollution. The metropolis gave itself up to public mourning for what the future would bring, while those in the conservative faction quaked with fear equally they contemplated the suffering that would exist inflicted on them for the rebels' crimes.
Despite the fracture among the Jewish government and the terrible violence the rebels had already given to the Romans in reprisal, a wider state of war could take been avoided. Cestius Gallus, the Roman governor of Syria, was called in to quell the disturbances. He initially tried to resolve the matter with diplomacy by sending his tribune Neapolitanus to Jerusalem. Neapolitanus and Agrippa tried to quiet the unrest just were unsuccessful.
Gallus marched from Antioch to Palestine with a large army, the cadre of which was the XII Legion. On his manner to Jerusalem he left a path of destruction forth the seacoast in his wake, called-for villages and slaughtering their inhabitants. Before he reached Jerusalem, Agrippa delivered to the rebels a peace treaty on behalf of Gallus. Information technology included a general pardon for the rebels, on the status that they disarm. Perhaps with their own butchery of the unarmed Roman auxiliaries in listen, the offer was refused and ane of the emissaries was killed for even bringing information technology.
In response, Gallus connected to Jerusalem. He fought his mode into the city through the northeast suburbs where he encamped for 5 days before the second wall near Herod's Palace. The approach of wintertime with its heavy rains, as well equally raids on his supply line, compelled Gallus to withdraw through Palestine. "Had he, at that moment, decided to strength his way through the walls he would have captured the city forthwith, and the war would take been over," wrote Josephus.
The Jews harassed his retreat, forcing him to discard valuable state of war materials to speed his withdrawal. His best troops, whom he had left as a rear guard, were cut downwardly at Beth Horon Pass. Gallus lost 5,000 men, 500 cavalry, and his siege and baggage trains during his withdrawal. The Jews too captured a legionary standard. The Jews' success gained siege artillery they lacked and also additional their confidence. The heavy losses inflicted on Gallus's ground forces guaranteed that the Romans would answer with even greater forcefulness.
In-Fighting within the Metropolis
The Romans did non launch another major offensive against Jerusalem for iv years. Meanwhile, the city seethed with turmoil. The Romans were willing to watch the factions nether various warlords fight among themselves.
Rome gave the task of suppressing the Jewish revolt to 58-year-erstwhile Vespasian. His family belonged to the equites, the 2d of the holding-based classes of Rome ranking beneath the senatorial course. His uncle had served as a senator, and then as praetor, but that was every bit distinguished as his full-blooded got. Although not in favor at court at the time of his engagement, Vespasian seemed correct for the job because his relatively obscure origins ensured that if he were entrusted with a sizable control he would not have grandiose plans to use the ground forces to press his own gains. Vespasian had a long record of military service.
While serving as legate of Legio II Augusta during the concluding conquest of United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland in advertizement 43 he compiled a distinguished combat record that earned him triumphal regalia. He went on to serve in Africa and held the consulship in ad 51 during the reign of Emperor Claudius. As a fellow member of Nero'southward retinue traveling in Greece in ad 66, he was nearly executed for falling asleep in advertizement 66 during i of the emperor'due south interminable musical performances. Quite literally fearing for his life, Vespasian had gone into hiding rather than face Nero'southward fickle and whimsical reprisals. To quash the rebellion in Judea, he was given the title of propraetorian legate with command over four legions.

Vespasian opened his entrada in April advertisement 67 with a campaign in Galilee. The commander of the Jewish defenses in Galilee was none other than Josephus. After a successful 47-twenty-four hour period siege of Josephus's army at Jotapata, Vespasian took Josephus prisoner. In his work, Jewish War,which Josephus wrote in the decade following the conflict, he provides a detailed account of the struggle. Josephus was an ideal chronicler given that his family unit had been active in political life before Outset Jewish-Roman State of war, besides known as the Groovy Defection. Subsequently his capture, Josephus recorded events from both sides given that he witnessed the residue of the campaign from the Roman camp.
An aristocrat, priest, and Pharisee by education, Josephus claims to have considered suicide over capture, only a dream from God convinced him that he should remain alive and that the fall of Jerusalem was inevitable. He also prophesied that Vespasian would one day go emperor, a claim that at the time must have seemed far fetched. This was a year before the turbulent period known as the Year of the Four Emperors in which Rome would get through a string of emperors following the death of Nero on June 9, ad 68, earlier stability was restored.
Eccentric, narcissistic, and perchance even psychopathic, the stop had finally come for Nero. He had already forced numerous aristocrats and scholars, amidst them Seneca, to commit suicide for their roles in real or imagined conspiracies against him. While only 30 years quondam in advertizing 68, he had spent nearly one-half his life every bit emperor, using his position and say-so mostly to fulfill the usual tabloid desires and pursue a career on the phase. In the spring of ad 68, Gaius Julius Vindex, the governor of Gallia Lugdunensis, declared himself emperor. While this revolt was being put down, Sulpicius Galba, the governor of Hispania Tarraconensis on the Iberian Peninsula, also revolted. He decided to march immediately on Rome while Nero was still live. Galba was assassinated, and Otho (Marcus Otho Caesar Augustus) committed suicide following his defeat at the Commencement Battle of Bedriacum on April 14, ad 69, against the forces of Aulus Vitellius, commander of the regular army of Germania Inferior. Two days later Vitellius became emperor.
Meanwhile, Vespasian had stamped out insubordinate action in Judea except for Jerusalem, secured his supply lines, and begun to his advance on Jerusalem. Nothing brusk of a miracle could save Jerusalem. The miracle came in the class of anarchy in Rome. Abandoning Jerusalem, Vespasian travelled to Alexandria, Egypt, where he alleged himself emperor. Egypt'due south prefect and legions approved, and and then did his troops.
Vespasian's legions in Syria marched west through the Balkans and defeated Vitellius's legions at the 2d Battle of Bedriacum on October 24. Subsequently, the legions of Great britain and Espana alleged their fidelity to Vespasian. Upon arriving in Rome, Vespasian's men hunted downwards and executed Vitellius in the forum. They then threw his body in the Tiber River. At that signal, Vespasian sailed from Alexandria for Rome.
With little in his background to justify his position equally emperor and having no direct mitt in vanquishing Vittelius, Vespasian badly needed a victory confronting the Zealots of Jerusalem. Vespasian entrusted control of the campaign to his son Titus, who marched against the city in Apr ad lxx. With political and logistical stability in place, Titus wasted no fourth dimension moving on Jerusalem. With previously but a small strength to hold Judea, Titus was given iv legions totaling 60,000 troops. His army consisted of the Legio Five Republic of macedonia, Legio X Fretensis, Legio XII Fulminata, and Legio XV Apollinaris. The army was supported by a force of xvi,000 noncombatants responsible for supply and logistics.
The Jews had zilch comparable to Titus's professional army. By the time the siege began, several rebel leaders had come to the forefront. These were John of Gischala, Simon Bar Giora, and Eleazar ben Simon.
John was "the near cunning and unscrupulous of all men who accept e'er gained notoriety by evil means," co-ordinate to Josephus. Reality seems much more prosaic. He was at first against the rebels, only he quickly inverse sides when the Romans allowed the Greeks from nearby Tyre to sack Gischala. He and then briefly fought with Josephus, eventually winding upward in Jerusalem as some other fighter for another faction.

Simon had been a function of the rebellion from the beginning, having led the Jewish forces that ambushed the Romans at Beth Horon Pass. In the intervening years, he briefly roughshod out of favor in the urban center and retreated with his men to the mountain fortress at Masada. He was called back later to restore social club and he didn't relinquish ability again until the Romans captured him.
Every bit for Eleazar, he was a renowned Jewish chieftan who had fought with distinction against the Roman garrisons in Judea.
The Autumn of Jerusalem: Titus' Regular army vs Jewish Defenses
Waiting for the Romans in Jerusalem were 23,400 troops: 15,000 under Simon, 6,000 under John, and two,400 under Eleazar. The Jews possessed "fortitude of soul that could surmount faction, famine, war and such a host of calamities," wrote Josephus.
Jerusalem was divided into three parts: the 100-acre upper and lower cities in the south, the 150-acre new city in the north, and the 50-acre Temple Mount in the eastward. The Temple Mount, which crowned Jerusalem, was positioned like a lock connecting the northern and southern sections of the urban center. Attached to the northwest corner of the Temple Mount was the formidable Antonia Fortress. Within the metropolis were two inner walls. The first wall divided the northern and southern sections of the city while the 2nd wall afforded an boosted layer of defense force in the new urban center.
The vanguard of Titus's army cut off communications betwixt Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside upon its inflow in April. Titus cleverly added to the confusion inside Jerusalem by assuasive pilgrims to enter to celebrate Passover. He had no intention of allowing them to depart, though. He knew that the presence of large numbers of noncombatants would strain the metropolis'due south food resources. As expected, dearth quickly gear up in.
Titus ordered Legions 5, XII, and 15 to bivouac on Mount Scopus to the northeast and Legion X to encamp on the Mount of Olives to the e. The Jews conducted repeated sorties against the camps that forced Titus to tighten his siege. As the siege progressed, the camps would motility closer to the front lines, eventually occupying part of the western portion of the new city.
Titus reconnoitered the city and decided to brainstorm his assault on the level basis outside the new town. The Romans punched through the outer wall and the inner wall in only 24 days of fighting. They used bronze-headed battering rams to crack the walls. Roman catapults hurled stones into the center of the city to destroy defenses and inflict casualties.

Simply Titus'southward initial success, and the casualties he inflicted on the defenders, did not cease the Jews from fighting among themselves. John launched a surprise attack against Eleazar's troops holding the Temple in which his troops slaughtered Eleazar's men. When the fighting resumed between the Romans and the Jews, John's troops were in possession of the Temple Mount and the Antonia Fortress, while Simon'south were deployed along the first wall in defense of the upper and lower city besides as Herod's Palace.
Titus subsequently separated his forces in lodge to assail each of these groups, but the focus of the siege and of the fighting soon moved to the Temple Mountain. The Romans began to build ramps against the Antonia Fortress, and their structure went on day and nighttime, with the Roman forces existence attacked by hundreds of bolt shooters and stone throwers the Jews had captured from the Roman army.
While some Jews harried the Romans from above, others were tunneling below their position and filling the infinite with bitumen and pitch. Suddenly, the ground beneath the Romans collapsed, and the siege ramps and towers cruel into the called-for pits. It was a major setback for the Romans.
The heavy casualties the Romans had suffered in the house-to-house fighting and in the destruction of their ramps and towers compelled Titus to rethink his strategy. Titus had lost a big number of men in the fighting to that bespeak, and he feared even greater losses trying to take the inner bastions of the city.
The Roman commander decided it would be advantageous to tighten his blockade on the urban center. Titus therefore ordered his troops to construct an encircling line effectually the city to ensure that the Jews could not smuggle in supplies. The circumvallation line was 4one/2miles long and was strengthened at intervals with thirteen forts. In improver, he issued orders that anyone found outside of the urban center was to be crucified.
"Sad was the fare and lamentable the spectacle, the stronger taking more than than their share, the weak whimpering," wrote Josephus. "Wives would snatch the food from their husbands, children from fathers, and—most pitiable of all—mothers from the very mouths of their infants." Deserters who were allowed out of the city told of corpses everywhere stacked up and left unburied. So crazed with hunger were the defenders that they resorted to eating leather belts and harnesses. Josephus himself appealed to the combatants to surrender, at least for the sake of the starving, only he was ignored.

Yet somehow the defenders found the forcefulness to fight on. They repaired breeches in the walls made by the battering rams and repulsed fresh assaults by the Romans. The Romans explored every possible avenue of attack. In tardily July, the Romans conducted a nighttime sortie that overwhelmed Jewish sentries who had fallen asleep at their posts guarding the Antonia Fortress. Adjacent, Titus focused his efforts on capturing the Temple Mount where the Jewish forces had concentrated in expectation of a final boxing.
Although the northern end of the Temple Mountain'southward colonnade had been almost completely destroyed past that signal, its western finish was all the same intact. On July 27 the Romans were at work on a series of platforms that would link it with the remains of the northern end. All of a sudden, the Jewish rebels atop the western end dispersed, leaving it undefended. Some of the Romans probably guessed it was a trap, but the adventure to gain command of the elevated colonnade roof was simply too good to decline. They should have trusted their instincts for the Jews had packed the cedar rafters beneath the colonnade with bitumen, pitch, and dried wood. When the Romans climbed their ladders and reached the roof, the rafters beneath them burst into flames.
The 50-foot-loftier colonnade collapsed, sending hundreds of Romans down into the metropolis. Those who had advanced beyond the complanate area had nowhere to get when the flames consumed their ladders. "Encircled by the blaze some flung themselves down into the city behind them, some into the thick of the foe; many in the hope of escaping with their lives jumped down among their own men and broke their legs; most for all their haste were likewise boring for the fire; a few cheated the flames with their own daggers," wrote Josephus. The remaining individuals, many of whom were severely wounded, eventually succumbed to their wounds.
For all of their elation, the Jews simply had delayed the inevitable. Sensing that victory was about, Titus pressed the siege of the Temple Mount. Each day he sent legionnaires forrard to ram and concoction the walls. But the walls were likewise well made and the individual blocks too thick, so that even prying a handful of them free did nothing to the walls' overall integrity. Frustrated, Titus ordered that the Temple Mount be stormed, but this but led to more lives lost and more than standards captured by the enemy.
The Jewish destruction of the western colonnade, while briefly affording the defenders an reward, had even so fabricated their position vulnerable. When the Romans decided to destroy the northern colonnade, the Jewish forces secured themselves within the walls of the Temple circuitous.

The Temple Mount and inner courtyard were surrounded by thick walls and a scattering of strong towers. The Temple alone soared 150 feet into the air. The entire circuitous, known as the Platform Mountain, was itself built atop a dais. The series of walls, boundaries, balustrades, gates, and impediments were meant to halt ane's progress toward the earthly abode of the Jewish God behind golden gates. It was within sight of these gates that the remnants of the starving Jewish forces made their terminal stand.
The Jews sallied along on August ix and attacked the Romans holding the outer court. Afterwards three hours of see-saw fighting, in which the Jews bore the brunt of a Roman cavalry accuse, the Jews retreated to the inner court once more.
The following day the Jews attacked the Romans in the outer court over again merely found themselves trapped against the northern wall of the Platform Mount. Someone hurled a flaming torch over the wall and into the Sanctuary surrounding the Temple. No ane knows who did it or why.
If the cessation of the sacrifice had demoralized the Jews, the unabridged reason for that cede, and for the revolt, was beingness destroyed. The Jews' defensive line and their very religion, the source of their strength both physical and spiritual, were collapsing at the same moment. Chaos, disorder, and looting ensued. The Romans gave no quarter.

"There was no pity for historic period, no regard for rank; footling children and one-time men, laymen and priests alike were butchered," wrote Josephus. He added, "The cries from the hill were answered from the crowded streets; and now many who were wasted with hunger and beyond voice communication found forcefulness to moan and wail when they saw the sanctuary in flames."
Aftermath in the Sacred City
Whatever sympathy Titus may have one time had for the Jews, whatever respect or awe he may have one time given the Temple, and whatever worries he may have one time given to the notion of Rome acting too harshly toward the rebellion disappeared altogether. He ordered a victorious cede almost the eastern gate of the Temple. One of the animals burned there, which was the most insulting and blasphemous of all, was a pig.
The insurgents who remained held out for many months. Herod'southward Palace was laid to siege and finally destroyed, and past the next summer, even equally Titus and Vespasian were celebrating a triumph in Rome, their forces were still clearing Judea of fighters. Captured Jewish men were sent to either live out their lives in forced labor in Egypt or to exist torn autonomously past animals in gladiatorial games, while their women and children were dispersed and sold as slaves. The whims of the new regime also meant that the rebel leaders met with unlike fates. John was sentenced to life imprisonment, while Simon was systematically tortured and scourged earlier existence strangled. In Judea in ad 73 and 74, the Romans conquered the hilltop fortress of Masada, bringing the Beginning Jewish War to a bloody conclusion.
Titus took home to Rome equally trophies of his victory the gilded tabular array of shewbread, the 7-branched candlestick, and a roll of the Law. Presently after Titus'due south death in ad 81, his brother Domitian had the Arch of Titus erected on the Via Sacre in Rome. In one of the reliefs depicting the destruction of Jerusalem, Roman soldiers are seen carrying off the seven-branched menorah and trumpets, holding them loftier over their heads.
The Romans forbade the Jews from rebuilding the Temple, established a permanent garrison, and abolished the Sanhedrin, replacing it with a Roman procurator's court.
Josephus, who had correctly predicted the rise of Vespasian, was at Titus'southward side during the autumn of the city. After the war he became a Roman citizen and was given a pension and an imperial residence in Rome. He spent the residual of his life writing not only a history of the state of war, but of his people, narrating for Greek and Roman readers the story of the Jews from the cosmos of the globe to the revolt.
To the stop, Josephus defended Jewish culture and norms against the supposed superiority of Greek noesis and philosophy. As Temple Judaism disappeared and Christianity spread over the known world, Rabbinic Judaism rose from the horror and bloodshed of the revolt and from the ashes of the Temple. In the end, Jerusalem survived Rome.
Source: https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/2019/02/27/the-fall-of-jerusalem-in-70-ce-a-story-of-roman-revenge/
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